Video How an AIS MOB Personal Emergency Transmitter works
published on 10 September 2020
Within seconds after the AIS MOB personal locator beacon easyONE-DSC is submerged into the water, the unit activates automatically and starts trasnmitting AIS and DSC alerts into vicinity of up to 7 nauticval miles.
You can also see the bright and strong red LED flare flashing which increases visibility of the victim in darkness drastically.
More product information
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published on 25 July 2019
Article Ship ahoy! Using AIS data
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by River Pilot Kris De Decker - published on 29 September 2021
Article A review of the ship’s pivot point: Science, Maths and Observation’ Where is the centre of a ship’s rotation?
by Tim Cummins, Harbour Pilot, Portsmouth International Port - published on 17 July 2020
This my attempt to do just that. This is a summary of all scientific papers and articles that I could find about the ship’s pivot point. I have added links to any videos associated with the publications and have also included any useful diagrams or equations that the authors published to help explain their research.
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Video History: Pilot boats in New York harbor
published on 29 August 2020
SUMMARY A New York harbor pilot boat passes close enough for four members of the crew to be seen [Frame: 0471]. Following the sailing vessel is a steamship [0780]. From a contemporary Edison Company catalog: PILOT BOATS IN NEW YORK HARBOR. Unboys [code for telegraphic orders]. A close view of an eighty footer, schooner rigged, trim as a private yacht, skimming over the waters of the harbor near Robin's Reef, [where a] picturesque little lighthouse is seen in the near background. A steamer...