
Pilot Boat in Croatia

published on 12 August 2022 4 -

Found on YouTube. Created by "dhilar channel". Originally published on 2022-08-11.
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Video Unberthing of a 23,000 gross tons tanker

published on 22 June 2020

The "Navig8 Axinite" is a 184 meter tanker. It is in loaded conditions. two tugs are used. The maneuver consists of backing out using 2 tugs and the ship´s engine, for about 2 and a half ship´s lenghts an then turning to port. After the turn, you can hear me talking with the captain about passing arrangements with an inbound vessel, (another tanker).


Article Become a member of with your own profile

by Frank Diegel - published on 18 July 2024

In our member area you can already see all 1,200 member profiles. Tell our community who you are and what your concerns are. Membership is free of charge.


Video Presentation of manned ship models at Port Revel Shiphandling Training Centre

published on 24 October 2019

Port Revel is used for shiphandling training of maritime pilots, masters and officers on a 5 ha lake with 11 manned model ships representing 20 vessels, and 4 tugs at scale 1:25 and DGPS tracking system. Instructors are former maritime pilots.
Training on the scale models provides experience that could never be gained on real ships for the simple reason that neither ship-owners nor local authorities would allow such risks to be taken. Scale models allow the shiphandler to make mistakes....


Video Electronic charts: S-100 Essential tool for marine pilots

published on 21 June 2021

Who knows the S-100 / S-102 electronic card standard? An introduction by the Maritime Simulation and Resource Centre, Canada


Video Japanese pilot loses his life

published on 5 May 2023

長崎県に入港するクルーズ船「ダイヤモンド・プリンセス」を誘導していた水先人の男性が海に転落し、男性はその後、死亡が確認された。 死亡したのは、水先人の大須賀祥浩さん(69)。 長崎海上保安部によると、5日午前5時半ごろ、パイロットボートから無線で「客船に移乗させる際にパイロットが海中に転落した」と通報があった。 大須賀さんは長崎港の入り口付近で海に転落し、クルーズ船の救命艇に救助されたが、およそ2時間後に死亡が確認された。 男性は5日に長崎に入港したクルーズ船「ダイヤモンド・プリンセス」を誘導する業務にあたっていた。


Video Maritime Education #5: Pilotage Operations on General Cargo ship

published on 17 February 2023

Maritime Education #5: Pilotage operations in General Cargo ship
An insight to points of attention during Embarkation and disembarkation of Pilots.
This video will be dedicated to my future Maritime students who will be joining General Cargo ships, this is what we normally do here, and this is for your virtual guide.
Thank you subscribers and keep growing so as my contents as well❤️


Video Navigating on St Lawrence River towards cargo ship Federal Kumano

published on 8 November 2022

Waiting on the porch of boat pilot cabin. Putting on life vest and embarking on boat pilot speedboat. Navigating on St Lawrence River towards cargo ship Federal Kumano. Embarking on cargo ship. Talking stairs up tp navigation bridge. Meeting crew.Taking over controls of Federal Kumano.


Video Teesport (UK) Pilot Boat

published on 28 July 2021


Video Giant Container Ship EVER GIVEN grounded and blocked Suez canal

published on 24 March 2021

Giant Container Ship EVER GIVEN grounded and blocked Suez canal AIS data shows the MV Ever Given is stuck sideways within the canal, preventing ships from passing in either direction,Several tugs have been on scene for several hours working to dislodge the ship ,An ultra-large containership is aground and blocking ship traffic in the Suez Canal