
Hong Kong pilotage dues set to rise for the first time since 2016

published on 20 October 2022 178 -

Picture: Screenshot from YouTube, see link below

The Hong Kong Pilotage (Amendment) Bill 2022, which was gazetted on 14 October, provides for an adjustment to pilotage fees and clarification of the regulations governing pilot medical examinations.

The Bill will facilitate an increase in pilotage dues by 9.7% on average as agreed by pilotage by pilotage service users and providers. Pilotage dues were last revised in 2016.

The Bill also includes arrangements with regard to the medical examination of pilots. A spokesman for the Transport and Logistics Bureau yesterday (October 12) said, “One of the legislative changes proposed in the Bill is to allow the medical examination for pilot licence applicants and re-examination for licensed pilots to be carried out by a registered medical practitioner in Hong Kong.

“Medical examination or re-examination for pilot licence applicants and licensed pilots could be exempted by the Pilotage Authority if the person concerned has within the previous 12 months submitted to a similar examination, regardless of whether the examination is conducted in Hong Kong.”
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