Opinion 1000 stanchions around… Which ones are correct and which ones are killers?

by Arie Palmers - published on 6 December 2022

Stanchions therefore are an often-overlooked part of a pilot transfer arrangement and therefore I
want to give them more attention in this article. They proved to be the cause of a whole series of accidents, some of which were even fatal.


Opinion Accidents: Prevent or react

by Steven Detre (Saab Technology) - published on 25 November 2022

Port operations, whether these are being performed on water or on land, are often not without risk. Pilots boarding a ship while sailing, navigating through narrow passages, collision avoidance with other smaller or larger vessels, discharging and moving cargo on land, walking between container handling equipment and trucks…


Opinion What is a Tug's Bollard Pull and How İt is Calculated?

by Capt.Alpertunga Anıker - published on 24 November 2022

The Bollard Pull value, which can be interpreted as the maximum thrust that is developed for a specific amount of time by the propulsion systems of any vessel to the fullest , when it has zero speed in the forward direction, is the criterion that allows us to understand how suitable a tugboat is for a port maneuver or a towing operation.


Article Rumos Práticos 62 by Praticagem do Brasil published in Portuguese and English

published on 4 November 2022

In the 62nd edition of Rumos Práticos the editors visited the Paranaguá and Antonina Pilotage Zone (Paraná-PR) to portray the challenges faced by the pilots in one of the largest port complexes in South America.


Article Education And Training Of Pilots In The Netherlands

by Eline van der Vlist-Lammers (Coordinator education and training for STODEL) and Ed Verbeek (Master Mariner) - published on 30 September 2022

Article originally published in SWZ|Maritime September 2022

Through the years, the Dutch Pilots have developed a system of selection, initial education and continual professional training. What is the current state of affairs?


Article Study on European maritime pilots: Working unusual hours and its relationship to job satisfaction

published on 6 September 2022

The study focuses on maritime pilotage in seven European countries and analyzes the level of job satisfaction and its predictors.


Article Safe working with harbour cranes

by American Harbor & Docking Pilots Association - published on 24 August 2022

To minimize the risk of a vessel allision with a terminal gantry crane, the American Harbor and Docking Pilots Association recommends that all terminal operators with gantry cranes adopt the following Best Practices.


Article Concept of Reskilling for Automation Collaboration in Maritime Piloting

published on 22 August 2022

Advanced automation has been highlighted as contributory to several accidents involving modern bridge support systems and automation aiding maritime pilots for maneuvering and navigation. This paper argues for reskilling for automation collaboration.


Opinion Bow Truster Effect on Ship's Headway

by Capt. Hugues Cauvier - published on 14 July 2022

When the bow thruster has been in operation for a while, pilots often notice that the ship not only turns but also gains speed. But why is this? Opinion by Capt. Hugues Cauvier.


Article Best practice on rigging pilot ladders (UK MAIB)

published on 7 July 2022

On the occasion of the Maritime Safety Week (July 4-10), UK MAIB’s inspector Bill Evans refers to the issue of unsafe pilot ladders, a concern that has been regularly voiced by the industry.