Article Historical pilot schooner "Elbe No. 5"​ collied with containership and sank.

by - published on 9 June 2019

This ship is a legend: The pilot schooner "No. 5 Elbe" is the oldest operating seagoing ship in Hamburg. Furthermore, the "white lady" is a real beauty. That's why it's a tragedy what happened on Pentecost Saturday: The two-master collided with a container ship and sank!


Article The magnetic north pole migration - What a Pilot should know

by - published on 22 February 2019

The Arctic magnetic pole does not move anymore. It runs, faster and faster. In recent years, even faster than expected. Therefore, geo-researchers have now had an unscheduled change to their world model and adjust their calculations, so that navigation with compass and other navigation aids such as a Pilot Plug, used by pilots around the world, continue to work.


Article Ship ahoy! Using AIS data

by LuxSpace Sàrl - published on 30 January 2019

How LUXSPACE uses AIS messages to monitor worldwide shipping traffic