Job Offer

Canada BC Pilot

published on 6 September 2023 578 -


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Article Charles Costanzo named executive director of Puget Sound Pilots

published on 1 October 2021

Puget Sound Pilots appointed a new executive director, Charles Costanzo, formerly general counsel and Pacific region vice president for American Waterways Operators (AWO).


Article Roberta Coppa (Fedepiloti): "There are still too many gender prejudices in our world".

by - published on 9 March 2021

Roberta Cotta and Teresa Matarese are the only two women in the Italian Federation of Harbour Pilots (Fedepiloti) team of 212 professionals.


Video Maritime Pilot - The grounding of Leda Maersk - Episode 5

by Captain Ahmed Sati - published on 12 August 2024

An analysis by Ahmed Sati


Article A ship like no other: CMA CGM Jacques Saade, 23,000 TEU, LNG powered

by - published on 23 September 2020

The CMA CGM JACQUES SAADE joins the fleet: the first 23,000 TEU container vessel in the world to be powered by liquefied natural gas.


Video Pilot Transfer - New Zealand (Auckland) & Australia (Melbourne/Fremantle)

published on 21 October 2021

Spotted some Pilot Boats in the Port of Auckland, New Zealand and Melbourne & Fremantle Australia (Port codes: Auckland:NZ AKL ; Melbourne:AU MEL ; Fremantle:AU FRE).


Article Vacancy: Chief Financial Officer (CFO)

by - published on 11 July 2020

According to a post of Paulo Ekkebus on LinkedIn (10th July 2020): "The Pacific Pilotage Authority Canada is looking for a CFO. Great opportunity for an individual to join an amazing company."


Opinion How to recognise a fake pilot ladder

by Gary Clay - published on 4 May 2023

A counterfeit ladder is a pilot ladder that purports to be a genuine approved ladder, from a manufacturer that has been certified by an approved body in the manufacture of pilot ladders to a certified standards.


Video Maritime Tribute to HM Queen Elizabeth II On the River Mersey

published on 19 September 2022

All working vessels on the River Mersey gathered in front of the Three Graces – Liver Building, Cunard Building and the Port of Liverpool Building. The formation included pilot launch boats, RNLI Lifeboats, river tugs, Mersey Ferries and the Disney Magic cruise liner. They all blew their whistles in tribute to The Sovereign, who passed away last week. River tugs will perform Fleur De Lis – spraying water from their fire cannons. Vessels currently within Liverpool and Wirral dock systems,...


Opinion Simulators in Marine Pilot Training: AMPI Position Statement

by Australasian Marine Pilots Institute - published on 18 October 2024

One of AMPI’s core missions is to advocate for the safety and well-being of marine pilots, and an essential part of that work is developing Position Statements.