
Harbor Pilot Disembarks a Containership

published on 6 July 2019 490 -

A Virginia Pilot Association harbor pilot disembarks the U.S. flag containership Maersk Atlanta before the ship sails north along the U.S. East Coast.

Featured in this video is the Virginia Pilots' brand new pilot boat, Hampton Roads.
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Video Marine pilot boat | valencia pilot

published on 6 April 2021

Marine Pilot leaving our ship during night in valencia port harbour.


Video Harbor Pilot Boarding at Norfolk Virginia

published on 3 May 2020

After passing Norfolk Virginia Naval Base, the Pilot boat Steven Mc. Allister brought the Harbor Pilot, the Pilot boat got alongside and the Harbor Pilot boarded safely and guided the vessel towards the berth/terminal.
#NorfolkHarborPilot #NorfolkPortsmouth #VirginiaMarinePilot


Video Boarding a Ship in Port Geraldton, Australia

published on 28 July 2021

Big thanks to Geraldton Port Authority for allowing Bill and I to go out in one of their pilot boats and board a ship. It was a beautiful day for it.


Video Disney Wonder - pilot boat approaches to drop off the Mississippi River boat pilot

published on 23 February 2022

Eerie fog envelops the Disney Wonder as the cruise ship enters the mouth of the Mississippi River from the Gulf of Mexico. A pilot boat approaches to drop off the Mississippi River boat pilot.
The eerie fog made it look like the ship somehow transported to the Pirates of the Caribbean ride.
No sign of Captain Jack Sparrow, but he has to be hiding somewhere. Maybe he's at the Crown & Fin Pub having a tot of Navy Strength Pusser's Rum.
Video taken from deck 10 aft near the Palo restaurant.


Video CoastGuard Mooloolaba visit Poseidon Sea Pilots

published on 7 April 2022

Poseidon Sea Pilots (an AMS Group subsidiary) invited our CoastGuard team to check out the new Pilot boats that are operating out of Mooloolaba.
These Pilots work night & day escorting large ships in and out of the port of Brisbane.


Video Inbound with CHIOS LUCK 188m, to Waalhaven Buoy 29

published on 28 June 2022

Video by Capt. Pilot Herman Broers, Netherlands.
Inbound with CHIOS LUCK 188m, to Waalhaven Buoy 29 for discharging woodchips from Mobile Alabama. #loodswezen #portofrotterdam


Article Trusteddocks: Bottleneck at Shipyards and Resulting Price Increases Ahead

by GmbH - published on 30 June 2020

This market intelligence allows all interested parties to measure the shipyards industry and to follow flows in demand and supply, enabling shipping companies’ management to make informed, fact-based decisions on docking requirements.


Video Maritime Training: Pilot Ladders: Safe Rigging Procedures

published on 25 February 2020

Pilot transfer operations always involve risk, even when conditions are favorable. Learn the essential safety procedures involved in this operation.
Visit to purchase the full-length version.