
Cargo ship crushes tugboat in Panama Canal

published on 20 March 2023 146 -

Found on YouTube. Created by "Brian !!". Originally published on 2023-03-05.
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Video A containership collided with a Pilot boat inside taipei harbour

published on 12 March 2020

9th March 2020 at about 08:45 PM
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Video Japanese pilot loses his life

published on 5 May 2023

長崎県に入港するクルーズ船「ダイヤモンド・プリンセス」を誘導していた水先人の男性が海に転落し、男性はその後、死亡が確認された。 死亡したのは、水先人の大須賀祥浩さん(69)。 長崎海上保安部によると、5日午前5時半ごろ、パイロットボートから無線で「客船に移乗させる際にパイロットが海中に転落した」と通報があった。 大須賀さんは長崎港の入り口付近で海に転落し、クルーズ船の救命艇に救助されたが、およそ2時間後に死亡が確認された。 男性は5日に長崎に入港したクルーズ船「ダイヤモンド・プリンセス」を誘導する業務にあたっていた。


Article CHIRP 2022/23 annual digest published

published on 20 June 2023

ChirpMaritime has just released their annual analysis of maritime reports (2022-2023).


Article Pilot fell overboard during a storm off the coast of Borkum (Germany) and was rescued

published on 15 January 2023

The crew of a pilot boat rescued a 47-year-old colleague from the North Sea during a severe storm and darkness. The pilot fell overboard early on Sunday morning.


Video Vessel collision with Breakwater in Marseille port, France

published on 21 June 2020

Video Courtesy: Kristijan Sablic


Article S-100 Charts - New Bathymetry, Surface Current and Tidal Standards

by - published on 14 July 2020

The Canadian Hydrographic Service (CHS) wishes to promote the implementation of the new S-100 standards to provide mariners with access to additional information (bathymetry, surface currents and water levels) and greater versatility in the display of these data.


Video Future Fairway Navigation Final Seminar 2022: Remote Pilotage

published on 12 January 2023

Future Fairway Navigation Final Seminar 2022: Remote Pilotage


Video The Maryland Pilots between 1950-1965 (a journey through time)

published on 26 March 2020

The Maryland Pilots have guided ships to and from Baltimore since the 1700's. They have been chartered as an organization since 1852. This is an edited except from films about the Pilots shot between 1950-1965 for the Port that Built a City and State. The original films are in the archives of the Baltimore Museum of Industry.


Opinion ‘There’s a smaller window for error’

published on 28 June 2021

Captain Andre Smith shares risks facing marine industry


Video Harbor Pilots / Pilotage in the Philippines

published on 27 September 2020

What does it take to become a Harbor Pilot in the Philippines