
Pick Up Pilot At Bangkok Bar Pilot Station

published on 18 March 2022 44 -

Found on YouTube. Created by "Ship Channel". Originally published on 2022-03-17.
Bangkok, Thailand
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Video Pilot On Board

published on 16 January 2021


Video Physical Pilot Ladder Simulator (Chile)

published on 2 January 2020

This video has already been published for the first time in 2020. Please also note the second, more recent video in the appendix. This physical ladder simulator was designed for crew training in the ladder arrangement and for all the users especially for pilots.


Video Difficulties Of Embarkation

published on 28 November 2022


Video Entrainement sur simulateur des pilotes maritimes du Havre-Fécamp

published on 18 August 2022

Entrainement sur simulateur des pilotes du Havre-Fécamp : pilotage des barges transportant les embases gravitaires du champ éolien offshore de Fécamp. Plus de 500 H de formation et de travail préparatoire ont été nécessaires pour préparer ces opérations de pilotage portuaire exceptionnelles


Video Behind the Scenes of the Panama Canal with Tugboat Captain Carlos Mata

published on 14 June 2024

Welcome to another exciting episode of A Spotlight to Panama! This week, we dive into the intricate operations of the Panama Canal with Carlos Mata, a Tugboat Captain with the Panama Canal Authority. The Panama Canal is a marvel of global engineering, requiring precise and coordinated efforts to ensure smooth transit for ships from around the world. Tugboats play a critical role in this process, and today, Captain Mata gives us an inside look at what it takes to keep this maritime artery...


Article Safe Passage - Edition Winter 2021

by Australasian Marine Pilots Institute - published on 21 July 2021

In this issue:
- Feauture Article - Threat an Error Managment
- Presidents Report
- Pilot Boat Special Reviews


Video Awesome Video: Suez Canal-Egypt (Northbound)

published on 28 October 2021

Many of you saw the last video and we were traveling South through the canal, but this video is from our Northbound transit.
Enjoy the footage and soon I hope to be back to work again. Waiting for the results of my physical exams to clear.


Video S-100 Services for Safe & Optimized E-Navigation

published on 27 August 2020

“The world of hydrography is going digital and the S-100 standard is an essential component of that move.” See how the Canadian Hydrographic Service has led Canada to become one of the first countries in the world to start using the S-100 standard, and how implementing these standards will benefit Canadians through increased safe navigation in Canadian waters. S-100 Producer: S-100 Cloud: https://www....


Video Pilot Boat PB1500 by UZMAR

published on 24 June 2020